24 July 2015

PVS 2.0

Ok it's time to show what are the new features for PVS 2.0.
So all this is made as a leisure project, so don't expect something made from day to night. It will take time.
New version comes after some feedback I got from users and some features they suggested.
Other features where already in the list for upgrades.
So what's to come:

-New interface with new logic, taking in account the re-usability data.
If you make a calibration for a rig, we should be able to use that calibration each time we use that rig.

-Use different lens types.
In the current PVS we can't use fish eye lenses.
With this feature we will be able to use GoPro cameras.
I'm also working on single camera rigs with mirrors for stereo and home made omnidirectional lenses (360º).
Keep an eye open for some DIY.

-Use multiple types of sources.
Use as source, videos, sequences of still pictures and live camera feed (real time if processing power allows).

-Allow the use of more codecs.

-Use multiple cameras.
Instead of using one stereo pair, give the possibility to join more cameras to enhance reconstruction area and camera dislocation precision (one of the big problems right now).

-Introduce camera dislocation correction with GPS data obtained from phones or other hardware.
The GPS information should be introduced during capture and associated with a specific frame or in the updated correction module.
With this we should be able to correctly orient the point cloud and correct drift errors.

-Modularity and plugin usability.
In the current version, modules where already independent and easily replaced. For 2.0 I want the possibility to add new algorithms easily.
If we get a better algorithm for camera tracking, we should be able to add it to the program as a plugin and be available as an option.

-Modularity should take account of multiprocessing, allowing multiple modules to run simultaneously and multiple times.

-We should be able to stop processing any time without loosing the work done until that moment like the current PVS.
Bugs and crashes will be more supportable.

-Maybe add more post point cloud processing.
Like sub-sampling, mesh creation and texture extraction.

-Enhance all algorithms for speed and better results.
Specially for camera dislocation tracking. I would like to use this with an hand held rig, allowing for less subtle movements and better cornering tracking.

So it's a big list!
I already started work, so keep an eye open for news.
I will try to post the developments.

20 July 2015

New demo video

It's now available a new video filmed in Castro Verde (Portugal).
There's no cuts.
The idea is to get a direct experience of the problems we might have with the reconstructions.

Download the video in two sections at:
   Castro Verde 1  (1.9 GB)
   Castro Verde 2  (1.26 GB)

In PVS, on the reconstruction tab, select that video for reconstruction.
Play with the settings.
The video was captured at various speeds, mainly at 30 km/h, but with 0 and 50 km/h moments.


PS: Wait for news! PVS 2.0 on the works!